PGSM 2025 Meeting Schedule
The 2025 PGSM schedule is now available!
Reserve these dates on your calendar. Click here for more details.
- The Polish Eaglet, a journal which contains in-depth articles about Polish genealogy, research techniques, and family histories, published three times a year
- News from the Nest, a newsletter which includes genealogical news, research tips, and other related articles, published three times a year
- Access and emailed invitations to all virtual meetings, which feature a variety of genealogical topics and are presented by local, national, and international experts
- Emailed invitation to the annual seminar
- A secure database that includes tutorials, databases of genealogy records, bilingual genealogy forms, and past issues of publications
- Research services
- Access to some virtual meetings
- An annual seminar which includes sessions on genealogical topics
- A calendar of events
- Databases of genealogy information
- Lists of various links that are useful to researchers
- An online store
PGSM Old Photo Collection
The following link will take you to recently scanned photos given to PGSM.
The photos include images from a great destruction due to a fire or storm, houses, blocks, and country settings, wedding parties and the newly married couples, boys and girls making their first communion, class photos, etc.
Take a look and see if you can help identify any of the people or provide any information on any of the photos!
Gift-Giving Idea!
Need a great gift idea? What about a gift membership to PGSM? Memberships are $25.00 per year with electronic copies of the Polish Eaglet or $35.00 with hard copies. To purchase a gift membership, go to “Join/Renew,” print the membership application, fill it in with the recipient’s information, write “Gift” on it, and mail it with your check to PGSM, P.O. Box 85987, Westland, MI 48185-6087. PGSM will mail a gift certificate to the recipient.
Stories and Ideas
Do you have ideas for subjects you would like to see in future publications? Do you have a story to tell about your ancestors or another genealogical topic? Please email your ideas and stories to the editorial staff of the Polish Eaglet at pgsm.eagleteditor@gmail.com.
PGSM 2025 Schedule
The 2025 meeting schedule is available!
Latest Newsletter
Click the image for the latest newsletter. (Need to log in as a member)
Member of the Michigan Genealogical Council
Kroger Rewards Program
Help the PGSM by participating in the Community Rewards Program. Click Logo to sign-up.